Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome Twos!!

Welcome to our 2 year old classroom blog! Below you and your little one can get a glimpse of our classroom and see some exciting things to look forward to for this upcoming school year!
This is where we will have carpet time every day! We will sing songs, pray for our food, learn about colors, shapes, days of the week, and so much more!
This is a fun center to pretend play! You can play with dollhouses, a fire station, castle, make a puppet show, and more.
This is our dress up center! Right next to it is our kitchen. You can cook for a friend, or dress up as a fire fighter and save the day. :)
This is our toddler library! Here you can get cozy and look at lots of fun books! (This is one of my favorite places in the classroom! My hope is that our class will be a place these little ones will enjoy exploring the world of reading and grow to love it, which will be an upward spiral in their education!)
When you come to school, you can look under the coat hooks to find your name on one of the fish! This is where you will hang your Lafayette Academy Preschool bag everyday and where you will hang your coat in the winter. I look so forward to meeting all the little ones and your families tonight at open house! See you there- 7:00!

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