Friday, September 27, 2013


We had a wonderful start to our preschool week on Thursday morning.  What a treat to have grandparents come to visit!!

Here they come!  
First we sang our "Good Morning" song for our special guests.  

Then we all got to decorate a cookie together!

Then we showed our grandparents around our classroom and our favorite places to play!

Some of us also started working on a special Grandparents' Day picture together.

We sang our "Good Bye Song"....

.... and as a fun little surprise, Mrs. Jennifer brought in our favorite class song/book, Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons! I think the grandparents got a kick out of how much these guys love this song. ;) 

enjoying snack and a story...

During our center time, four little groups rotate between four centers.  Here is a small group working at Mrs. Beth's center completing grandparent pictures.

If they finish at Mrs. Beth's center before time to rotate, they can go to the next table to work on a fun activity!  When it is time to rotate, the lights go out and we tell the kiddos where to go next....

Another center is the "Reading Center".  

The tent is a favorite place to get cozy and read!  

At Mrs. Jeana's center, we work on another fun learning activity. On Thursday, we had so much fun mixing red and yellow paint with our hands to make FIRE!

Together we read the fun poem written on our papers: 

"I took a blob of red paint,
Then I took a blob of yellow,
I squished and swished them all around
As far as they would go.
My red and yellow began to change,
Much to my surprise...

I saw those colors turn to ORANGE,
Right before my eyes!"

WOW so cool!!

"It's orange!"

If students finish with Mrs. Jeana's activity before time to rotate, they can choose a tabletop center at the next table.  These tabletop centers reinforce what we are learning at school and give their fine motor muscles a GREAT workout!  

At the final center, "Green Carpet Center", each small group gets a turn to have free play on the green carpet and in the centers at the back of the room.  During this time they are also free to play in the sensory table. 

I have really been impressed with how this group is learning this routine!  Each day, they get more familiar with the rotation, and each day seems to flow better and better.  For being such little people, I think they are doing a wonderful job!! :) 

 Look how well we line up on our names and shapes to go outside!  

We had another beautiful morning on Friday to play outside!  All the little boys have so much fun with these trucks!  They were so busy racing them back and forth.

These sweet girls stick together. :)

Wow!  Look at these adorable firetruck cookies. This little friend brought these special treats in this week!!  All the kiddos were so excited!

After reading and discussing a couple of these books, including Stop, Drop, and Roll, we worked on our sequence activity.  We colored our pictures and then glued each one (1. stop 2. drop 3. roll) onto our papers in the correct order.

 Our letter of the week was L for Ladder!  We looked at lots of pictures of firetrucks and saw the ladders on top of them.  We sang our "Letter Song" about the letter L.  We then used our fine motor muscles to paint the L's with Q-tips.

We also learned a fun song about rectangles this week:
"A rectangle has four sides,
A rectangle has four sides,
Two are short and two are long,
A rectangle has four sides." 
(to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell") 

 Hope you have enjoyed this glimpse of your child's week at preschool.  Have a wonderful weekend!!

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