Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dental Health

 We had such a fun week!!  

The class loved these teeth play-dough mats.

This was such a cute Pinterest idea to help the children learn the importance of flossing! They took "floss" to get the food out of the teeth.  (or... yarn to get the play-dough out of the lego ;)

We had a very special visit from Dr. Jenkins, a dentist!  He was great with the kids and told them all about "sugar bugs" and how important it is to brush and floss to keep them away!

Dr. Jenkins brought a couple guests with him.  Evan loved brushing Bobo's teeth. :)

The kids loved this activity.  They used toothpaste (white paint) and toothbrushes to brush the teeth.

We played a fun sorting activity in circle time.  Each child had a card with a food picture on it.  We decided together if the food would make our teeth happy or sad.  This was a little confusing for them at first!  I told them food that made our bellies happy doesn't mean it makes our teeth happy. ;)

We also played this game in small groups.  They started understanding a little more and really had fun!

We also did more sorting this week, this time by size.... small, medium, and big.

Here they are working on their shapes!!  They colored the shapes and the floss inside.  Some of the children even traced the shapes.

I love how engaged they were in this book.

Mrs. Beth thought it was so cute how they were feeling their teeth.... then Myla saw the camera. ;)  so cute.

Our letter of the week was D for dentist.

As we worked on our D craft, we sang our usual letter song.  They traced the letter with their finger first then glued their D pictures to their paper.

They also loved this cute craft.  Marshmallow teeth :)

We were able to squeeze one extra craft in this week and get more practice with names.  The children also got to practice their cutting skills while making these cute name toothbrushes.

We got to have "neighborhood time" this week with the other two classes.  We open the doors for the children to all play together and go to any class they want (since it has been too cold to go outside!)  The kids love it.  Here a couple of the girls were playing dress up. ;)

All our babies sure love Mrs. Beth.  She is so wonderful with them!  I told her if I didn't teach here, what a comfort it would be to know my child was in her care.  I knew you all would love to hear that too.  She is so sweet with all of them!!!

Karsen and Eden were very busy "cleaning".  So cute. :)


working hard on their good tooth/bad tooth projects....

Mallory's sister, Sarah... love that smile. ;) ha

I hope all of you are enjoying your weekend!!  Looking forward to seeing your little ones next week.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

President's Day

What a great week we had!  All your sweet kiddos worked so hard and had lots of fun learning and playing with their friends.

Adorable Abraham Lincoln handprints. :)

They had such a good time at all the centers this week.  Here they are painting the American flag with red, white, and blue paint.

On Thursday, the sensory bucket was full of blue ice.  Some of the kids found surprises hidden in the ice! (play money:)

Chinara and Maddie were having such a good time together in the reading center.  I love seeing them enjoy books!

At the play-dough center they could make shapes.  Myla worked so hard on her square!

They loved giving those fine motor muscles a work out putting pipe cleaners in the strainers.

At circle time, we talked a lot about President's Day and what a president is.  We focused on Washington and Lincoln and what made them such great leaders.  To help the children learn about Washington, the cherry tree, and the importance of telling the truth, we played a fun game!  One child acted out being the "cherry tree".  Another child was chosen to act like he/she was cutting down the cherry tree.  The class then sang, "Who cut down the cherry tree??  Wyatt cut down the cherry tree!"  ...and he would need to respond, "YES. It was me!" :)  They loved this game and wanted to play again on Friday.  I was really so impressed with how well they listened and followed directions.

They also made this cute Washington craft using dotter markers to make the cherry tree and glue sticks to glue.

cutting and more painting fun in the art center....

The kids did such a great job on their name/ initial papers this week!  (we started off doing names and got cut short on time... we will be working more with their full names on other projects soon.)  They first helped me write their name/initial (hand over my hand), then they traced it with a glue stick.  Next (and the part they loved the most!), they sprinkled red and blue glitter all over their papers.

We also did a fun little project about Abraham Lincoln.  They glued Lincoln's picture to their papers and also glued a penny to them.  Then they made a cute little log cabin and put a triangle brown stamp on top.

Boys and their cars.... so cute :)

On Friday, our sensory bucket was full of slimy spaghetti and red and blue letters!  We looked for the first letters in our names....

YAY, Eva!!

Our letter of the week was Y.  We had a tracing paper this week, and I was so PROUD of these guys!! They really worked hard and did great!

We also reviewed our colors and numbers with this fun activity.  For each number, I asked them to use a specific color to make that many dots.

They all started helping each other and counted together.... so sweet. :)

Evan and Wyatt worked hard on making their own cherry trees in the play-dough center.  :)

Since the weather has been so cold, we have had to be creative to help the kiddos let off some steam in the classroom. :)  We played a fun gross motor matching game, and it was a big success!  On one side of the classroom, a child received a card.  The class would cheer them on as they made it to the other end of the room (being a certain type of animal) to find the matching card.  Above Amalie and Evan are snakes!!

So excited to find the match!!

It is no small task trying to get a good picture with this many little ones.  :)  Love these pictures though!!


Mrs. Kelly looks and sounds just like Abraham Lincoln at circle time. :)  (the kids loved it!)

...making their own Lincoln masks


Hope you enjoyed the pictures of our week.  See you Thursday!!

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