Saturday, April 20, 2013


Our sweet class had another great week learning all around our fun BUG theme!!

B is for Bee!! 

We focused on reviewing letters A, B, and C this week.  In circle time, we graphed bug pictures! We sang our letter sound songs and decided together if the pictures started with a B or C.

handwriting practice! 

Our sensory bags had the letters hidden in them this week! The kids loved driving their cars on the bags and trying to trace the letters.

We also continued to practice tracing our names.

... and worked on name recognition.

There it is!

Inside their baggies, the kids found lots of circles with numbers on them.  Together we found the correct number as we counted and placed them in order to make a caterpillar!  

Then we glued all those circles to the letter C. 
"C is for Caterpillar!"

"one, two..."  working so hard :)

YAY there it is!

Before getting started, she had to show me her beautiful dress. :) 

After reading all about ladybugs in circle time, the class made their own ladybugs!

such sweet little friends in our class:) 
Here Myla was soo happy Maddie found her baby for her. 

pretending to be teacher:)

During our next craft, we reviewed our shapes!
Here we are tracing the ovals to make our eyes...

oh my goodness... CUTEST bugs I've ever seen.

For some, being a bug was very serious business.  
Little Wyatt told me he had to get his eyebrows just right. :)

fun with floor puzzles and cars!

Amalie loved making her special bracelet during tabletop center time.

making a butterfly!

matching colors!

so sweet... A lot of these little ones love to come get some extra snuggling during our day. :)
Of course we love it too!

Butterfly feet!! :) 

and a few Lunch Bunch pics...

"I found a bug!"

more name practice while making a butterfly!

Hope you have enjoyed this little glimpse of your child's week at school!  Have a wonderful weekend!!! 

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