Friday, September 28, 2012


We had another fun week at LAP! Below the kids are finger painting and trying to trace the shapes we have been working on at school. They loved it!
Mrs. Jaime (filling in for Mrs. Beth) helping the kids cut out pictures that begin with the letter K. They all enjoyed pasting them to their papers!
William and Maddie making lunch! :)
During circle time we sang the BROWN song. While we sang, little volunteers held up pictures about all the fun things that are brown!!
Here they are dancing to the song "animal action!" They are flying like little birds. :)
Thank you again for sharing your sweet kiddos with us!! We enjoy them so much!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


So glad you are visiting our blog again! Hope you enjoy seeing pictures of the kiddos from a great week at school!
So fun! Eva and Evan decorating red S's with Smily face Stickers!
The kids loved sponge painting their red circles!
I think a favorite from the week was writing in shaving cream! The kids loved it and wanted to do it again and again. They practiced making S's and circles while playing!
Mallory getting comfortable in the reading center!
Chinara and Wyatt (buddies from last year too!)
Mrs. Beth and Mallory
Amalie and Hadley
Maddie and Mady Kate
Eden and Karsen
Evan and Myla
As you know, our theme from last week was "friends and school". It has been so sweet to see lots of little friendships developing. Hope you have enjoyed these precious pictures. See you Thursday!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Grandparents Day at Lafayette was such a sweet day! The kids were thrilled to have their special guests in the class and were so proud to show them all the fun things we do at their school each day! They decorated cookies with their grandparents, showed them their classroom, and some were able to work on a family tree. Thank you for making this special day happen and for the sweet memories it brought your child! Hope you enjoy the pictures. :)
Eden so excited to show her grandma the room!
Amalie, Karsen, and William decorating cookies with their grandparents.
Wyatt with his grandma AND great grandma! :)
Eva was so happy to have her grandma at school and show her the water table. :)
Evan's grandma helping him make a family tree!
Mallory having sweet reading time with her grandfather.
Chinara and her grandma!
a sweet shot of Maddie and her grandparents!
Hadley with her grandma :) so happy she was able to be in town for this special day.
William and his grandma working on their family tree together.
working hard on those family trees!
Myla and her grandparents! She is so excited to decorate that cookie. :)
Amalie with her grandparents playing with a Mr. Potato Head family! (and my Mady Kate joining in on the fun:)
Karsen working so hard on her family tree with grandma. :) And a few more ...
Snack time!
Mallory loving playing with the dollhouse and little family inside. :)
The water table was a big hit with the kids! They got to play in the water and bathe babies to go along with our family theme this week.

Friday, September 7, 2012

All About Me

Here are just a few pictures of the kids playing outside, having snack, and exploring our classroom! We had a great first week of school! Hope you all have a fun and relaxing weekend. I look so forward to seeing all these sweet faces next week.

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